Jungle Leopard ASTRO ARGB FAN 120MM
Two-way boundless mirror facade, axial traditional optical disk motif, linking luminous strips on both edges, elongating striking lighting display, encompassing boundless mirror illumination, mounting without obscured viewpoints. The twofold edges generate a rounded spatial impression, and multilayered lighting outcomes manifest from diverse viewpoints. The ARGB aperture of the boundless mirrors flanking the fan engenders numerous illusory lighting effects.
Optical disk motif conception: Time-honored optical disk motif along the axis, optical disk motif aluminum metal emblem, serving for heat dispersion, understated opulence and aesthetic appeal, coupled with joining luminous strips on both sides, mounting effect devoid of obscured viewpoints, and dazzling lighting display observable from assorted viewpoints. A slender LED strip adorns both sides of the fan frame and on each fan blade edge. The fan blade center bears an optical disk motif, enhancing texture.
PWM configuration: Manual fan speed adjustments unnecessary, intelligent temperature regulation, motherboard autonomously regulating fan speed based on chassis temperature. Upon linking the PWM computer fan's 12V4PIN power supply port to the motherboard, the fan automatically adjusts speed contingent on chassis temperature.
Control methodology: motherboard oversight. Via motherboard management, A-RGB lighting effect synchronization with other 5V3PIN lighting products achievable (yet ensure motherboard incorporates a 5V3PIN interface for control).
Dual-sided shock absorbent pad: Additionally, eight silicone pads affixed at fan frame corners for further vibration absorption. Silicone pads effectively mitigate resonance-induced noise when affixed to chassis.
Hydraulic bearings: Ensuring swift operation, diminishing wear, noise reduction, and enhancing fan longevity.